SRB SuperSpine

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SRB SuperSpine 

SRB powder coated Chromoly steel tube Super Spine w/ Tomiboi Track Hawk deck, powder coated aluminum belly pan, inverted SRB HD short rod 3-link steering w/ Riptide krank bushings are just the beginning of each custom build. Each Super Spine is built to customer specifications in consultation with Moe.

Recommended range of use: Road & Track

Choices available to upgrade or customize build may include the following:

Color (spine, belly pan, wheel covers, sticker kit)

Wheel covers (BMW or Talon)

Bushing duro (Riptide 84a-96a krank)

BRP airless wheels (R/T-60, 50A, 45A or 45A-Wide)

Motor plate size (30mm or 44mm)

SRB hubs (front / drive)

Gearing (Spur 67 or 78, Pinion 11, 22)

Controller (GT2B w/ mod case or Radio Master MT12)

Six-gauge wiring buss


Pricing for the SRB Super Spine:

These prices are subject to change without notice and may change with various options and upgrades during consultation.

Base Chassis $1295

SRB spine, deck & belly pan, 3-link steering & motorplates (choice of bushings & color)

Rolling Chassis $1995

Base chassis + BRP Airless wheels, hubs & gearing

Complete $3500 w/dual HW 650kv Max5 motor & Max5 ESC, 8s / 12s compatible (no batteries)

Important Please Read, Disclaimer:

Electric longboards should be treated with the same safety, respect and responsibility as any motorsports vehicle. Operating, riding or racing an electric longboard comes with inherent injury risks including paralysis and death from loss of control, collisions, equipment & electronic defects and failures. No electric longboard or component is guaranteed against malfunction. It is important to understand that even with the most rigorous quality control efforts, parts still fail from defective manufacturing, inadequate maintenance and from known as well as unkown damage. It is the customers/owners responsibility to learn and to be personally familiar with the operational use and maintenance of the equipment they choose to use as well as the safety gear and laws applicable to the area in which they use it. 

Please be aware that by completing a puchase agreement in any form of payment or by accepting into your possession any component or package sold by Stooge Raceboards, LLC  you are also agreeing to release forever Stooge Raceboards, LLC, their members, volunteers and representatives from any and all liabilities against any claims related to the possession, operation or use of any component or package sold by Stooge Raceboards, LLC brought by you, third parties or anyone on behalf of you or third parties.